Zurich Financial Centre

World-class financial metropolis

Exceptional infrastructure, best quality of life and multicultural: Zurich is one of the most universal financial centres in the world and a central hub for global activities and investments.

Luftaufnahme auf Zürich, den Prime Tower, umliegende Gebäude und den Bahnhof Hardbrücke.

Hotspot for finance and talent


Zurich is a choice location for international companies and organisations that get to benefit from its exceptional infrastructure and high quality of life.

Ten advantages for companies in Zurich


Zurich impresses with its diversity and strengths in a host of different areas. This overall package is what makes Zurich an exceptional financial centre. 

  • Entrepreneur-friendly environment

    Switzerland scores with economic and political stability, access to the European market and liberal business regulations.

  • Qualified labour force

    Zurich features a large pool of highly specialised and qualified employees. According to international rankings, Switzerland and Zurich are the world’s most attractive locations for talent.

  • Efficient infrastructure

    Home to SIX and SDX, Zurich boasts a strong stock exchange and a modern, efficient infrastructure for seamless financial transactions. Furthermore, the Innovation Hub of BIZ Swiss Centre –in collaboration with regulatory authorities, the private sector and providers of market infrastructure– is supporting the development of technologies to further improve how financial systems operate.

  • Moderate taxation

    Zurich offers attractive tax conditions for financial companies, supporting profitability and growth.

  • Promoting fintech

    Zurich actively supports the development of fintech companies and, in so doing, is contributing to a strong and dynamic financial ecosystem.

  • Sustainability

    Zurich is emerging as a leading centre for sustainable finance and is taking ever greater account of sustainability factors in business processes and investments of traditional financial companies, as well as in growth of political initiatives. It is thus becoming an important location for green tech.

  • Quality of life

    Living in Zurich is tantamount to a healthy work-life balance, thanks to an unparalleled combination of progressive working conditions, high quality of life, safety, cultural amenities and travel opportunities.

  • Integrity and transparency

    Zurich promotes a culture of integrity and transparency in the finance industry which, in turn, strengthens confidence and trust in the financial centre.

  • Innovation hotspot

    Boasting a unique culture of partnerships and collaboration between science and industry, Zurich is a global leader in research and innovation.

  • Globally connected

    Switzerland has free trade agreements with forty partners across the globe and offers access to more than 500 million consumers throughout Europe. A multitude of global cities, including Paris, London, Milan and Munich, are within easy reach of Zurich.

Zürich ranks among the top


The Zurich financial centre, together with Geneva, is not only an important pillar of the Swiss economy but also one of the most important financial centres in the world.

Diversity as a strength

The Zurich financial centre is characterised by an impressive diversity of players and services, affording it robustness and innovative strength – properties that are more important today than ever before. 

A strong financial centre – a plus for Zurich


The financial centre’s strong concentration in the City of Zurich means that more than every fourth value added franc is generated by the finance industry there. That is a top result by international standards.

Source: Zurich Financial Centre 2025/2026, Office for Economy and Labour, Department for Economic Affairs of the Canton of Zurich

The Zurich financial centre is the backbone of the Swiss financial centre


Companies based in the Zurich financial centre generate approximately half of the economic output of the Swiss financial centre. This underscores the major significance of Zurich’s banks, insurance companies and providers of other financial services.

Source: Zurich Financial Centre 2025/2026, Office for Economy and Labour, Department for Economic Affairs of the Canton of Zurich

Important pillar of Zurich’s economy


The financial sector is an important employer in Zurich. Due to the sector’s high productivity, its share of jobs is lower than its share of value added in the overall economy. That notwithstanding, roughly every tenth job in Zurich is within the financial sector.

Source: Zurich Financial Centre 2025/2026, Office for Economy and Labour, Department for Economic Affairs of the Canton of Zurich

The Zurich financial centre is broadly diversified


Zurich is home to renowned banks, insurance companies, the stock exchange and other financial service providers.


Home to some 260 banks, Zurich constitutes the heart of Switzerland’s banking sector: 44% of gross value added and 43% of jobs at the Swiss financial centre are based in Zurich. The focus is on private banking and asset management. The banking sector is a major economic and social promoter that provides jobs, education and cultural sponsorship. Zurich’s strategic location, combined with a solid infrastructure and a qualified labour force, make it an ideal location for banks.

Insurance companies

With close to 22,000 specialists taking care of every aspect of the insurance business, Zurich has consolidated its position as a leading centre for the insurance and reinsurance industry in Switzerland. Approximately one third of insurance companies in the country are based in Zurich, with the said industry contributing close to 4.5% to national value added. Due to its high per capita expenditure on insurances, Switzerland dominates this sector globally. Zurich is also a choice location for reinsurance companies, supported by first-rate research and highly qualified employees. 

Other financial service providers

Other financial service providers, such as the stock exchange, independent wealth managers, asset managers and private equity firms, are experiencing rapid growth in Zurich. They complement traditional banks and insurance companies, and they are expanding the choice of services available in the region in a meaningful way. Featuring a multitude of specialists with comprehensive know-how and who are often organised in specialist associations, these companies are supporting a growing domestic and international customer base and consolidating Zurich’s position as a dynamic financial hub. 

The Zurich financial centre – good for everyone

As well as an important sector, the Zurich financial centre is a central pillar of the overall economy. Whether it be for local trade, industry, culture or sports: the Zurich financial centre is a reliable business and financial partner, customer, taxpayer and sponsor. The financial centre is also key to sustainability, with sustainable business activities becoming increasingly more important for companies across all industries. This development is being driven by international sustainability goals, but also by changing customer needs. Due to its significance for the Swiss financial centre, the Zurich financial centre has a key role to play in this development. What is more, every second finance company sees sustainable finance as an opportunity to strengthen their reputation, and to retain and gain customers.

Broad base – a recipe for success 

Zurich Financial Centre

Would you like to know which financial services are particularly relevant in Zurich, how we implement visions successfully using fintech, and how sustainable finance is becoming increasingly more important? Find out more on the following pages


The Zurich financial centre is dynamic, innovative and globally connected. This is what you can expect to find in Zurich: a wide range of training, education and continuing education opportunities, an attractive market environment, and forward-looking career paths.

Financial services

The Zurich financial centre is a highly significant sector group for Zurich as a business location. From renowned banks and insurance companies to innovative fintech companies: these multifaceted players are shaping the Zurich region’s financial ecosystem. We introduce them.


The Zurich financial centre is one of the leading fintech hubs worldwide. This is where tradition and high-tech come together, established banks meet innovative start-ups, while the financial landscape is being reshaped by blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Sustainable finance

Switzerland is at the forefront of the sustainable finance revolution. The Zurich financial centre plays a key role and has the clear goal of leading the global transformation to sustainable financial services.

Die Glasfassade des Prime Towers Zürich reflektiert den bewölkten Himmel und erweckt den Eindruck, als würde das Gebäude nahtlos in den Himmel übergehen.

The Zurich financial centre is a central pillar of the city’s economy and of major significance for our prosperity. By channelling financial flows into sustainable projects and companies, it can and should make a meaningful contribution to a more sustainable world.

Corine Mauch

Mayor of the City of Zurich

Companies based in the Zurich financial centre are aware of their significance for the business location. We take the responsibility that this involves very seriously and are committed to being strong and reliable partners in the future as well – for our clients as well as for policymakers, industry and cultural institutions.

Daniel Hunziker

President Zurich Banking Association

The Zurich financial centre is one of the leading financial metropoles in the world. Generating value added of 30 billion Swiss francs and providing close to 100,000 full-time jobs, it is also an important pillar of our economy. Together with our outstanding universities and the many innovative industry sectors, the financial centre is making a decisive contribution to the business location and to the high quality of life in the Canton of Zurich.

Carmen Walker Späh

Government Councillor of the Canton of Zurich

Together for the Zurich financial centre


The Canton of Zurich, the City of Zurich and the Zurich Banking Association are working together and making sure the Zurich financial centre never loses its  exceptional appeal.