The three key players behind the Zurich financial centre
About usWe are committed to making sure you feel at home in Zurich. We inform, support, expedite and serve as a connecting link to industry, science and government.
Canton of Zurich
The Division of Business and Economic Development of the Canton of Zurich is committed to providing optimal framework conditions by way of its cluster initiative. The division specifically connects all relevant players and stakeholders to achieve a joint, effective and visible positioning of the Zurich financial centre.
City of Zurich
The Office for Economic Development of the City of Zurich strengthens dialogue between policymakers, administration and business, facilitates good framework conditions and enables innovation in companies and startups. It also supports sustainable development of Zurich’s economy and provides impetus to promote Zurich’s international visibility.
Zurich Banking Association
The Zurich Banking Association has been supporting the interests of the Zurich financial centre for more than 100 years. The association promotes first-rate education and continuing education standards and is an advocate for political framework conditions, thus enabling the financial centre to continue on its successful development path.
The team behind the Zurich financial centre
TogetherThe Canton of Zurich, the City of Zurich and the Zurich Banking Association are working together and making sure the Zurich financial centre never loses its exceptional appeal.
Eva May
Canton of ZurichRoger Müller
City of ZurichChristian Bretscher
Zurich Banking Association