Zurich is leading the way in sustainability
RevolutionSwitzerland is at the forefront of the sustainable finance revolution. The Zurich financial centre plays a key role and has the clear goal of leading the global transformation to sustainable financial services.

Three driving forces behind sustainable finance
DefinitionSustainable finance refers to any form of financial service that systematically integrates environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG) in its business or investment decision-making process, for the long-term benefit of both customers and society as a whole. A sustainable financial centre is tantamount to a financial market that contributes in its entirety to sustainable development and to value added in business, environmental and social terms.
Changes in the market
Customer needs and legal requirements have changed in recent years.
Paris Climate Goals
The Paris Agreement of 2015 stipulates the goal of “making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development”.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainability of financial market players and their products and services shall also contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Sustainable business management is increasingly becoming the focus of companies across all sectors.
Zurich Financial Centre 2023/2024
The Swiss Federal Council sees sustainable finance as a major opportunity and as a relevant competitive factor for the Swiss financial centre. Thus, the goal was formulated whereby the Swiss financial centre is to become a leading global location for sustainable financial services.
Zurich Financial Centre 2023/2024
Achieving global leadership in three points with sustainable finance
FutureThe Swiss financial centre has a clear vision: shaping the future of the financial world through sustainable finance. Zurich plays a key role in this regard.
Goal of the Federal Council
- Switzerland is striving to become the leading global location for sustainable financial services.
- Sustainable finance is seen as a major opportunity and decisive competitive factor.
Zurich’s key role
- As a leading European financial centre and global innovation leader, Zurich is supporting the transition to a sustainable financial system and is thus driving forward the Paris climate goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the new market requirements.
- The Zurich financial centre has positioned itself as a catalyst for innovative financial innovations, fuelled by its sustainable financial ecosystem.
Practical implementation in Zurich
- A majority of traditional companies in Zurich are already actively implementing environmental, social and governance factors in their overall strategies.
- Zurich is home to more than half of Switzerland’s sustainable investment volume of 1,982.7 billion CHF (2021).
The four areas for action of the Federal Council are:
- Sustainability data from the overall economy
- Transparency in the financial sector
- Impact investments and green bonds
- Pricing pollution
Specific examples of sustainability initiatives in Switzerland or with support of the largest Swiss corporations:
- Principles for Responsible Investment PRI
- Principles for Responsible Banking PRB
- Net zero alliances, including Net Zero Banking Alliance NZBA, Net Zero Asset Managers NZAM, Net Zero Insurance Alliance NZIA
- Green Fintech Network
- Swiss Climate Foundation
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Switzerland
The goal of these initiatives and alliances is to hold the signatory companies accountable, in order to drive forward the transformation to a more sustainable economy.
- Universities – the University of Zurich offers courses centred on sustainable finance.
- Universities of applied sciences – the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) offers a specialisation in sustainable finance.
- Swiss Finance Institute – the Swiss Finance Institute is committed to promoting cutting-edge research, continuing education and knowledge transfer in the domain of sustainable finances and offers specialised courses in that field.
- International programmes – the German Frankfurt School of Finance & Management offers a part-time master’s degree course in sustainable finance that is also open to international students.
- Online platforms – platforms such as Coursera, edX or LinkedIn Learning offer online courses focused on sustainable finance.
Additional information: Education at the Zurich Financial Centre
The following three attributes are what make a financial product sustainable
InnovativeIn today’s world where sustainable solutions are more and more called for, the positive impact of products and services is gaining traction and significance. But how can this positive impact be measured?
Positive impact
If products and services are to contribute to a sustainable future, they must have positive impacts. These impacts must be measurable by means of defined ESG indicators:
- Environment (E) encompasses topics including environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency (corporate environment).
- Social (S) includes aspects such as occupational safety, diversity and social commitment (corporate social responsibility).
- Governance (G) refers to sustainable corporate management and includes corporate values and control & monitoring processes (corporate governance).
Transparent disclosure on how sustainably work is performed enables customers and stakeholders to check if formulated goals are being achieved.
If products and services are to achieve a sustainable impact, they must be available and applicable in the marketplace.
What does the facilitator role of the Canton and City of Zurich entail?
- The cantonal Division of Business and Economic Development has set up the “Innovation Zurich” platform for networking and connecting companies and organisations within the innovation environment.
- As founding partners of Swiss Sustainable Finance, the Canton and the City of Zurich are committed to promoting sustainable financial services.
- The City of Zurich organises an annual event aimed at promoting dialogue between representatives of the Zurich financial centre, the city, the canton, the Confederation and the Swiss National Bank (SNB).
Further information
Downloads & links
- Website Swiss Sustainable FinanceThe aim of the Swiss Sustainable Finance association is to make the Swiss financial centre into a leading voice for and player in the field of sustainable finance that promotes the transition to a sustainable and prosperous economy.
- Website Swiss Bankers AssociationThe Swiss Bankers Association explains why sustainable finance became a main topic in 2018 and why it supports the goals of the Swiss Federal Council to strengthen the Swiss financial centre as a leading location for sustainable finance.